Welcome to the NHPP Sample Survey: Post Data Collection

Informed Consent

You are invited to participate in a 20-question electronic survey about what is important to you when you think about your health.

What you will be asked to do:

1.Read the informed consent and agree.
2.Expand your knowledge and understanding of health by watching a 12-minute on-line video describing the survey process and the 13 components of health.
3.Provide standard demographic information and your world-view.
4.Identify your health priorities by ranking your 13 health components.
5.Indicate your levels of satisfaction with each of your 13 health components. Taking the survey will take between 10-15 minutes.
6. Participate with your professor or group leader in a 10-45 minute debriefing and discussion session about class norms (class data only, no personal information included).

Potential Risks:

Because your health really matters, assessing and prioritizing your 13 components of health may provide you with some level of discomfort, especially if you assess several of your health components negatively. If you experience discomfort, you may choose to grunt through it to finish the task. On the other hand, you are also welcome to discontinue the survey at any time with no negative repercussions. A list of resources to help you enhance your different aspects of health is available on the project web page where you watched the video: https://karlsalscheider.efoliomn.com You may also connect with a health counselor from your university as designated by your professor or group leader.

Potential Benefits:

This study, prioritizing the 13 components of health in particular, has a 20-year informal research base from a state university in the Midwest. This learning experience is all about you and what you want in life. This experience allows for extensive self-discovery and open discussion in the non-threatening environment of your own classroom. This data set will aid in the development of the Quality of Life Index (QLI); an entry-level health assessment tool. As previous participants have written, prioritizing the 13 components of health is: "insightful, life-changing, and fun".


If you choose to complete this survey, your responses are all private and anonymous. Even the researcher is unaware of who you are. Your individual responses will not be made public. Your professor or group leader will only receive aggregate class or group data that you will discuss at your debriefing.

Your Participation is Voluntary:

You must be 18 years old or older to participate in this survey. Completion of this survey is exclusively voluntary. This survey is expected to be personally enlightening and contribute significantly to the literature on health priorities. The risks of taking this survey appear minimal. Regardless, you do not have to do this. If you choose not to complete this survey, there are absolutely no negative repercussions. If your professor or group leader wants you to do this as part of a class, you may still opt out with options to do something else. If you have any questions with this survey, you are welcome to contact me at any time at: ksalscheider@bemidjistate.edu If you have any problems with this survey, you are welcome to contact the Bemidji State University Institutional Review Board at 218-755-2027.

How do you agree to this Informed Consent?

By answering question #1 with YES.

Thank you for your consideration!

Dr. Karl W. Salscheider
NHPP Director

Question Title

* 1. If you agree to participate in this survey, you will be expected to try to answer the questions described above to the best of your ability. You are expected to be honest in your responses. As well, you agree to complete only one survey. If you are not willing to agree to these expectations, please stop now.

Do you understand and accept the conditions of this survey and VOLUNTARILY CONSENT to participate? YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE.

Question Title

* 2. You are taking this survey because it is recommended by:

Question Title

* 3. Your college/university is:

Question Title

* 4. According to the United States Census Bureau, the USA is divided into four regions. Which region is your college or university located? If you attend a college/university that is exclusively on-line, select "National."

Question Title

* 5. You are in the following age group:

Question Title

* 6. Your primary college major is best described as:

Question Title

* 7. You consider your gender identification as:

Question Title

* 8. You consider your racial identification as:

Question Title

* 9. Which category best represents your relationship status as:

Question Title

* 10. You consider the financial background of you and your family as:

Question Title

* 11. The National Health Priorities Project is not only interested in demographics, but also the world views of the participants to examine any possible correlations within and between the data sets. Consequently, two questions will be asked about your world view and two more about your levels of confidence in your responses to those world view questions.

Which response below best represents your world view about the how humans came to be?

Question Title

* 12. When you responded to the previous world view question that considered evolution and creation, you are ____ sure of the accuracy of your response. If you did not respond to the previous question, then SKIP this one.

Question Title

* 13. Please utilize the following Merriam-Webster's definitions as you answer the next question:

BODY: a person's or animal's whole physical self,

MIND: the part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels, and remembers,

SPIRIT: the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy and power,

SOUL: the spiritual part of a person that is believed to give life to the body and in many religions is believed to live forever.

Based on your world-view of how you understand humanity, please select the statement that best represents what you believe to be true:

Question Title

* 14. When you responded to the previous world view question that considered spirits and souls, you are ____ sure of the accuracy of your response. If you did not respond to the previous question, then SKIP this one.

According to Salscheider (2015), "Optimal Health is both the outcome and process of living life exceptionally well. It is dynamic and ever-changes. This is best achieved by purposely relating and interacting with the components of health that matter most." These components are identified below.

Thoroughly examine the 13 components of health; then rank order them as what's most important to you. Some of these components are internal to your mind and body. Some are relationship-oriented, and others are outside of you. Any of these components can potentially affect the quality of your life in a dramatic way. Rarely are the 13 components ever exclusive by themselves, but most commonly interact with each other to establish how you experience your life. Hundreds of times a day you make decisions based on your priorities (how you expend what's most important to you such as your time, $, energy, emotions, etc).

BEFORE YOU BEGIN, CONTEMPLATE THESE 13 COMPONENTS OF HEALTH. Prioritizing these 13 components requires that you go beyond your often ambiguous aggregate feelings (where decisions are frequently made) and extend into the precise and stable world of mathematics (your rankings). This exercise has the potential to be both very challenging and very enlightening.

Happy Thinking!
Please review the 13 Components of Health:

– EMOTIONAL HEALTH: Feeling good (alcohol and other recreational drugs excluded). Chronic depression or anxiety is rare. Emotionally healthy people generally enjoy stability, contentment, and resiliency.

– ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Quality of the physical and mental conditions where you live. This goes beyond clean air, clean water & sustainability. Environmentally healthy people enjoy a pleasant climate around them.

– FAMILY HEALTH: Quality of committed relationships that you have with your family that may include your mom, dad, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents or even the cat or dog. Generally, those with good family health have many quality, supportive family relationships with minimal unresolved family problems.

– FINANCIAL HEALTH: Finances you possess or generate that pay for your basic needs and pleasures. Generally, financially healthy adults (or family units) sacrifice in the present to maximize their futures.

– FRIEND HEALTH: Quality of committed relationships that you have with non-family and non-love acquaintances. Generally, those with good friend health have at least one friend whom they can be transparent with sharing their intimate thoughts without concern of reprisal.

– INTELLECTUAL HEALTH: Clear, unbiased sensory interpretation and thinking. Intellectually healthy people are often intellectually curious, discerning (wise), and consistently good decision-makers.

– LOVE/MATE HEALTH: Quality of committed relationship with a mate, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. Although sex may be within your relationship, this is not about sex (that is under “sexual health”). This is about the intimate emotional and intellectual bond exclusive to this relationship. Love health may be limited by non-interest, opportunity, age, culture, or the law. Those who possess successful love health generally enjoy a consistent interaction, dedication, commitment and selflessness experience.

– OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH: Quality of your experience in the workplace, school or home. Generally, your occupation provides you opportunities to create economic value and personal achievement. Occupationally healthy people find value and satisfaction in their work.

– PHYSICAL HEALTH: The efficient and mobile operation of your body. This begins at the cellular level and extends to the 11 systems of the body (nervous, musculoskeletal, etc), and your 5 senses (see, hear, touch, taste & smell). Generally, physically healthy people have mostly all systems and senses coordinated and fully operational with minimal disability.

– POLITICAL HEALTH: Enjoying and exercising the freedom of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. This includes freedom of expression, movement, religion, right to own property, vote etc. Not all residents of our world experience this.

– RECREATIONAL HEALTH: The Refreshment of leisure and play. This may be as physically rigorous as a 26 K race or as non-aerobic as playing video games. Recreationally healthy people routinely dedicate non-work and non-home time to leisure activities.

– SEXUAL HEALTH: Appropriately navigating sexual thoughts and corresponding physical expressions. Sometimes these experiences can be exhilarating, intimate and bonding. Sexual expression is often limited by age, non-interest, social and religious norms, and by law. Sexually healthy people have pleasurable sexual experiences that are safe, and free of coercion and violence. They are also comfortable with their level of sexual engagement. For the purposes of this project, human reproduction is considered under “family health”.

– SPIRITUAL HEALTH: Your belief and/or relationship with a power greater than yourself. To some, this is “oneness with the universe” or “part of the journey beyond this life and into the spirit world” or “living purposely and eternally with God." To many, this considers eternal life. To others, this does not exist.

Question Title

* 15. Now that you have reviewed the 13 components of health, please rank them according to how you value them in your life. To do so, identify your 1st pick by locating it on the left column and click on the 1st button on the corresponding row. Then identify your 2nd pick and click the 2nd button on the corresponding row. Continue until you identify all 13. You may adjust your rankings as you see fit.

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
Emotional Health:
Environmental Health:
Family Health:
Financial Health:
Friend Health:
Intellectual Health:
Love Health:
Occupational Health:
Physical Health:
Political Health:
Recreational Health:
Sexual Health:
Spiritual Health:

Question Title

* 16. Now that you have ranked your 13 components of health, please think about how satisfied you are with each of these health components in your life. Identify the level of favorableness (satisfaction) in your life with each of the 13 components of health by clicking the appropriate buttons below. These will be your Quality of Health Component Numbers (QHCNs).

Your scale is:

-5 Intolerable
-4 Strongly Unfavorable/Dissatisfying
-3 Moderately Unfavorable/Dissatisfying
-2 Somewhat Unfavorable/Dissatisfying
-1 Slightly Unfavorable/Dissatisfying
0 Neither Favorable nor Unfavorable; Neither Satisfying nor Dissatisfying
+1 Slightly Favorable/Satisfying
+2 Somewhat Favorable/Satisfying
+3 Moderately Favorable/Satisfying
+4 Strongly Favorable/Satisfying
+5 Ultimately Favorable/Satisfying

  -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Emotional Health
Environmental Health
Family Health
Financial Health
Friend Health
Intellectual Health
Love Health
Occupational Health
Physical Health
Political Health
Recreational Health
Sexual Health
Spiritual Health

Question Title

* 17. Overall, I consider the quality of my life as I think about my health as:

Question Title

* 18. Skip this question. This is for office use only.

Question Title

* 19. Skip this question. This is for office use only.

Question Title

* 20. This project primarily addresses prioritizing general health categories. This time, shift gears to specifics. If you were to determine and identify the most important thing in your life, that which matters most, that would be: (no names please, but examples may be: your boyfriend, your country, your prestige, your happiness, your God, your house on the lake, your profession, hunting, fishing, your baby, getting good grades, etc.). What is most important to you?

Question Title

* 21. ASSESSMENT: Up to this point, you found the video presentation and survey experience as:

Congratulations on completing this survey! This exercise may help you illuminate your past, clarify your present, and recalibrate and realize your optimal future. Several of your important health components are relational. In order to take the next step to improve any relational health components you deem deficient, you may choose to share and discuss your response with the other person. Conflict resolution is a challenging endeavor that is not with out risks. Yet as you consider your options to improve your life and health, you may find this to be a reasonable and responsible pathway.

You are encouraged to print off your results for yourself and for upcoming discussion purposes.

Depending on the arrangements made with your professor or group leader, you will meet to present and discuss the group results of the survey. This will constitute your debriefing experience. Those of you who would like additional resources to assist you in enhancing any of your 13 health components may return to my web page for assistance. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, you may contact your professor, group leader or me at ksalscheider@bemidjistate.edu

Thank you again for completing this survey The data you have provided, along with the other ~2500 participants, will be the foundation of some exciting new insights to the health priorities and perceived satisfaction levels of college students nation-wide.

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