Small Business Banking Survey

Starting or running a business can be tricky, and getting your business finances in order even trickier. We want to know which banks you as a small business owner currently use or would consider using for your banking needs.

Thanks for participating in our quick 3 minute survey. Upon completion of this survey, you will automatically go in a competition draw. Two people will have the chance to WIN a $200 EFTPOS cash card.

Terms and conditions.
1.Full name(Required.)
2.Email Address(Required.)
4.What type of business do you have?

Are you:
5.What industry is your small business currently in?(Required.)
6.Which of the below are you most interested in?(Required.)
7.Which bank do you currently use for your business banking?(Required.)
8.If you were to move away from your current business bank, which other bank would you consider for your business banking?(Required.)
9.Which bank has new tools and resources to help you be financially ready to take the next step in your business?(Required.)
10.Which bank comes to mind first when it comes to helping businesses start up? (Required.)
This is a 2-part survey. We will contact you again soon with the second survey. Completion of the second survey will automatically put you in a competition draw. Two people will have the chance to WIN a further $300 EFTPOS cash card.

Thank you once again, your feedback is important to us.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered