1. Bowman Parks and Rec Needs Survey - Spring 2015

In order to properly plan for the future of parks and recreation in Bowman (BP&R), it is important for us to understand the preferences, interests, and concerns of the community. Please take a few moments to tell us how we’re doing and some of your opinions and desires related to parks and recreation in Bowman. Your answers to these questions will help shape the programs, facilities and activities for Parks and Recreation.

Thank you in advance for your responses to the following questions.

Question Title

* 2. How many children/dependants under the age of 18 do you have living with you?

Question Title

* 6. If Dissatisfied, please explain:

Question Title

* 7. If you participate in recreation programs and ACTIVITIES or use FACILITIES OUTSIDE of Bowman Parks and Recreation, why?

For Bowman City Residents only:
For Bowman COUNTY Residents:

Question Title

* 13. Additional comments