ECT Survey

ETAWA Early Career Teachers Survey

Your feedback is important to us. This survey is designed to collect information that best guides the types, frequency, and focus of future professional learning opportunities for English teachers in the first five years of their careers. Your responses will be anonymised and will not be used individually. The questionnaire will require approximately 3-5 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating in this survey. 
1.For how many years have you worked as a qualified English teacher?
2.Choose any of the following options that best describe your current work context.
3.What kinds of support or professional learning are you interested in? Select as many options as applicable.
4.The ETAWA offers an annual conference tailored specifically to Early Career Teachers. Your input is vital in determining the timing of the conference and how the day is designed to best suit your needs. Please indicate your preference for the timing and preference/s for the structure of this ETAWA Early Career Teacher Annual Conference.
5.Select the following times of year that best suit you for ECT-specific professional learning.
6.What is your preferred mode for delivery of ECT-specific professional learning?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered