Topic: Retaining Membership in Clubs

Survey Purpose: Re-fielding this survey (RR #83) after 10 years incorporating results from the previous survey to examine what has and hasn’t worked for involving and retaining mothers of older multiples.

Instructions: This survey is to be filled out by any member of your club. Answer all questions choosing the single best answer for each question unless otherwise instructed. As always, all responses are kept confidential.

Question Title

* 1. What is the age of your multiples at this time?

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* 2. What type of multiples do you have?

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* 3. Do you have singletons?

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* 4. Please list sex and age of singletons

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* 5. What is your current age?

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* 6. What was the age of your multiples when you first joined a parents of multiples club?

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* 7. How long have you been a member of a local club?

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* 8. Are you or have you ever been an officer/board member/chair in a local club?

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* 9. Do you belong to a club strictly for mothers of older multiples?

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* 10. Which of the following are reasons why you may miss general meetings for your club?

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* 11. If you don’t attend general meeting for babysitting, travel, location, or prefer not to drive at night, how interested would be in listening in on general meetings by phone if your club were able to arrange it (in cases when you couldn’t attend in person)?

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* 12. Does your club do any of the following to retain mothers of older multiples?

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* 13. If your club does not offer any of the following for retaining mothers of older multiples, how interested are you in any of these?

  Not at all Interested Somewhat Interested Interested Very Interested Extremely Interested
5th year of membership discount
Regular meetups specifically for mothers of older multiples (example: lunch or coffee/tea shop)
Activities for families with school age children (example: back to school party for kids)
Publish announcements in club communications highlighting multiples graduating from school
Book club
Reduced or free membership for “veteran” parents of multiples (example: applied after 15 years in club)
"Big Sister/Little Sister"-type program, through which mothers of older multiples are paired with mothers of younger multiples
Club garage sale
Birthday club dinners
Involvement with committees/board positions
Scholarship program for members with seniors graduating from high school
Attend state convention
Attend national convention
Birthday party for the club, and invite former members back
Programs throughout the year geared for mothers of any age (i.e. stress management, health advice, etc.)
Programs throughout the year dealing with multiples age 5 or older, such as older multiples panel, sports, school separations, etc.
Older Multiples & Siblings Outings
Couples Nights Out
Moms Nights Out
Dads Nights Out
Party for adults only (example: Holiday party, “Favorite-things” gift exchange party)
I don’t participate in any of these.

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* 14. Were you paired with a "Big Sister" when your multiples were younger?

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* 15. Are you paired with a "Little Sister" who has younger multiples?

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* 16. Does your club have a Facebook group that you belong to?

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* 17. Is there an electronic way other than Facebook that your group uses to stay in touch with each other?

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* 18. Does your state have a parents of multiples organization?

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* 19. Is your club or are you a member of your state multiples organization?  If so, do you attend meetings of your state parent of multiples organization?

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* 20. Are you currently or have you ever been an officer/board member/ chair in your state parents of multiples organization?

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* 21. Does your state offer any other gathering for clubs besides state conventions?

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* 22. Do you stay a member of your local club so that you can attend state organization gatherings (convention or otherwise)?

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* 23. What ideas, suggestions or additional comments do you have on retaining mothers of older multiples and keeping them involved in your local club?