ASIS Manitoba Chapter - 35th Anniversary Event in 2025 Question Title * 1. What should be the duration of this event? 1/2 day 1 day 2 day Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What time of year should this event be held? Spring Fall Question Title * 3. How likely are you to attend the event? Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 4. If there was a dinner at the end of the day, would you attend? Yes No Question Title * 5. In which area of Winnipeg would work best for this event? Question Title * 6. What topics would you like to learn about? Health & Safety Physical Security Workplace Challenges Emergency Preparedness Mental Health Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Would you participate as a presenter at this event? Yes No Maybe Question Title * 8. Would you volunteer to assist with organizing this event? Yes No Maybe Question Title * 9. Would you or your company like to be a sponsor at this event? Yes No Maybe Question Title * 10. Would you or your Company like to participate in the Trade Show? Yes No Maybe Question Title * 11. If you would like to assist in organizing, sponsor or participate in Trade Show, leave your contact information below. Name Company Email Address Phone Number Done