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1. General Information

This Creative Justice Initiative Inc’s second series of surveys aims to expand and delve deeper into the data received from the first commissioned survey, entitled the “Achieving Cultural Equity Survey.”

We encourage you to fill out all three sections so we may have the most complete set of data possible with which to make our case for more robust and sustainable funding for community-based cultural organizations.

The information you share will be kept confidential.

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* 1. Name of Contact?

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* 2. What is your email?

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* 3. Name of your organization?

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* 4. What is your organization's address?

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* 5. What is the city or town it is located?

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* 6. Which state or providence is it located?

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* 7. What is its zip code?

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* 8. Is your organization a 501c3?

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* 9. Do you own or rent the space you use for office space/programming?

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* 10. If you rent space, do you receive any financial support for that?

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* 11. If you answered yes to question 9, where do you receive financial support from:

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* 12. What is needed most to ensure continued survival of the organization? (Select all that apply)

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* 13. What additional support would you need to grow your organization? (Select all that apply)

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