Official Plan and Development Bylaw Update Survey - Town of North Rustico |
Thank you for participating
The Town of North Rustico is currently reviewing its Official Plan and Development By-law. The Official Plan is a long-term, high-level policy document. The Official Plan describes all aspects of development and land use within the Municipality’s planned area. It sets policy for where growth and different land uses can happen.
The Development By-law shapes development and land use through a set of regulations to implement the Official Plan. The Land Use Bylaw divides the Municipality into zones and each zone has standards that include building sizes, lot sizes, setbacks, landscaping and parking. Zoning also permits and prohibits different land uses to minimize land use conflicts.
Part of this review process is to consult with the community and get their thoughts and opinions on the future of their community. This is the most important step in the process! Moving forward it will be important for Council to seek to maintain a balance of opportunity for all residents in the future.
To help us with the review process, please take some time to complete this survey and provide your input. The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. We appreciate thoughts and opinions on the future of North Rustico!