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The purpose of this survey is to determine the types of Jewish programming families in the Regional Communities are interested in, and how best to implement programming that will meet the needs of the communities. This survey is an update of the Regional Community Survey that was distributed in 2016, and is aimed at capturing further information around specific programming needs. 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What types of programming are you interested in?

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* 3. How frequent would you like to see programming offered?

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* 4. Which days of the week are most convenient for you?

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* 5. Would you be willing to pay a fee for programming?

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* 6. Would you be willing to volunteer to organize or facilitate programming?

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* 7. Have you attended Connect Me In programming in the past?

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* 8. What were your favorite programs?

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* 9. What were your least favorite programs?

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* 10. Do you have any suggestions for future programming that you would like to see in your community?

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* 11. Could we contact you about future programming?

Thank you for your response!
0 of 11 answered