2020 Phylloxera Survey

Self-Survey of your own vineyard
New pest in grapes on Vancouver Island:  Grape Phylloxera

October 1, 2020

Dear Growers,  

Grape Phylloxera, a major grape pest, has been confirmed on Vancouver Island by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in August 2020.  In order to determine the extent and distribution of the pest on Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands, the BC Ministry of Agriculture is initiating survey work to help answer these questions.

Knowing how widespread the pest is as well as how widespread the use of susceptible root stock is will be useful in determining what management steps can be taken to limit the impacts of the new pest on coastal grape production, as well as how at-risk the industry is to this pest. Some rootstocks are resistant to the pest, and it will be of value to know if these are being used in the coastal industry or not.

All survey information provided voluntarily by growers will be held in confidence for the purpose of the survey on Grape Phylloxera and its risk only.

Due to the time sensitive nature of this, and the impending leafdrop this fall, please complete the survey by November 30. 

Thank you in advance for contributing. 


Tracy Hueppelsheuser
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture

Phone: 778-666-0519

Adrian Arts
Industry Specialist for Tree Fruit and Grapes
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture

Daktulosphaira vitifoliae or Viteus vitifoliae,   Url:  https://www.inspection.gc.ca/eng/1600973215467/1600973216014

1.Please provide the Vineyard name(s) / Location
2.Please provide your contact information for follow up (email address or phone number)(Required.)
3.What varietals do you have on what rootstocks in this vineyard?(Required.)
4.Have you seen any suspicious leaf gall symptoms on any of the varietals on your property or that you manage?
phylloxera leaf galls
5.If you have observed leaf symptoms please detail which varietals and on which rootstock?
6.Have you seen any unexplained weak areas in any fields?

weak vineyard phylloxera
7.If you answered YES above, please detail which varietals and on which rootstocks
8.Would you be willing to have a field visit (ground survey) with a Ministry of Agriculture representative?(Required.)
9.Please provide any additional information or comments you have below
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered