The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) empowers Episcopal ministries to live more fully into their mission by discerning what God is calling them to be and do as the Body of Christ known as the Episcopal Church in their own particular time and place.

The First Step assessment tool was created specifically for parishes asking questions such as:
How are we doing? What do we need to know? Where do we begin?

The purpose of ECF First Step is:

1) Help you articulate your challenges and/or growth opportunities as a first step towards prioritizing your needs;
2) Offer your leadership the opportunity to talk with someone from ECF about next steps;
3) Share some basic information about your congregation to help our staff prepare for the initial conversation; and
4) Provide you with links to resources for congregational leaders.

First Step is designed for use by small groups of three or four individuals as
part of a collective conversation.  The assessment is free and available online and as a downloadable file.

The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) works with Episcopal congregations, dioceses, and organizations to help strengthen their strategic, leadership, and/ or financial capabilities in practical yet spiritually grounded ways. We welcome the opportunity to get to know you and to be of service to you in your ministry.

Let’s get started!