82nd Annual TASC State Conference

April 14 - 16, 2018

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  Great Good Fair Poor N/A
Conference Information and Program
Conference registration with TASC office
TASC Book Store
Pre-registration confirmation e-mail
On-site Registration at the conference
Registration materials pick-up and check in at the conference

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  Great Good Fair Poor
Candidate School Campaigning
Conference Exhibitors
New Advisors to Conference Session 
Opening General Session
Meet the Candidates Panel Discussion
Second General Session (Political Rally)
Table Talks Session (school led, small group)
Breakout Presentations
Advisor Sessions
Night at Six Flags over Texas
Closing General Session

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* 3. Were there topics presented in the table talks or breakouts that should be continued?

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* 4. Were there topics that were NOT covered in the table talks or breakouts that should be recruited for future conferences?

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* 5. Did the Advisor Sessions meet your needs?  Specific comments help us improve.

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* 6. Did you make hotel reservations through the TASC Housing Bureau?

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* 7. Arlington

  Great Good Poor N/A
How was the hotel reservation and confirmation process?
Hotel check-in process
Hotel accommodations

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* 8. Final: Was there anything else you wanted to share?

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* 9. Did your students enjoy the activities during registration?  Please give us comments about what was good or how to improve.

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* 10. Please share information that would help us improve the conference.

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* 11. Did you use the mobile app?