CRC Survey - Riverina/Murray Region

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50% of survey complete.

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2. What is your postcode?

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3. How do you or members of your household usually dispose of the following types of household waste?

  Garbage bin Recycling bin Organics bin Store at home/shed Household chemical clean out Council tip Place on kerbside Charity Don't have this waste
Household Batteries
Car Batteries
Fluoro lights
Motor oils and fuels
Gas Bottles 
Smoke Alarms

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4. Which of the following best describes your attitude towards waste

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5. Have you or someone else in your household done any of the following in the past 12 months?

  Yes No  Don't know
Disposed of less common household problem waste e.g. fluoro globes and tubes, gas bottles, batteries, motor oils, smoke detectors
Disposed of renovation waste e.g. paint, plaster, bricks, carpet, asbestos
Disposed of household chemical waste e.g. pool chemicals, herbicides and pesticides

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6. The correct way to dispose of household problem wastes (e.g. fluoro tubes, gas bottles, batteries, motor oils, smoke detectors, paint) is to take them to a Community Recycling Centre. How convenient is it for you to do this?

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7. Have you seen or heard anything about your local Community Recycling Centre (CRC)?