Fair Housing Resource Center, Inc. is asking our clients to complete the following survey on the services they were provided at our organization. These surveys help FHRC determine how effective our programs are and whether changes need to be made to ensure client satisfaction. 

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* 1. When seeking housing counseling services, which of the following applied to you (select all that apply)

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* 2. When working with a counselor, how did they assist you (Select all that apply)

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* 3. When working with a counselor, did they provide you with educational materials to supplement the counseling you received?

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* 4. If you own your home and are delinquent on payments, did the agency recommend any of the following actions?

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* 5. Did you feel your counselor was knowledgeable about the assistance they provided?

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* 6. Did your counselor conduct budget counseling with you?

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* 7. Was your counseling conducted in a private atmosphere so others could not hear the conversation?

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* 8. If you are a renter who was seeking rental housing, did your counselor discuss rental housing programs for which you might qualify?

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* 9. Did the agency charge you for any services?

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* 10. Did you participate in group counseling sessions?

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* 11. Was the counseling agency open during hours which were convenient for you to obtain counseling?

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* 12. If you were to need housing assistance again in the future, would you go back to the same agency?