The ND Center for Nursing is in the initial steps of developing a pivoting strategy to ensure sustained funding for high priority activities.  In August, we send out a survey to nurses across the state with 1 question- If the ND Center for nursing went away- what would you miss? We received a wide variety of answers ranging from nothing to the work of the Center is critical to providing a unified voice for nursing.

The next step is to gather feedback from our Leadership Team.  Throughout the development of the Center, the leadership team has provided direction for our strategic plan, worked on on our committees to carry out our plan and has served as a critical part of our infrastructure. 

We need your help as we prioritize our key activities and develop a funding strategy to keep the Center for Nursing alive. Please complete this survey by October 1, 2020.  If you have any questions, contact Patricia Moulton, PhD at 

Question Title

* 1. Below is a list of activities and strategies from the last several years for the ND Center for Nursing based on the mission, from you perspective, what do you find most beneficial to nursing in our state?

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* 2. Please indicate which of the activities/strategies you have participated in through attending/viewing on line, participating on a committee or in another way.

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* 3. What would you miss the most if the ND Center for Nursing closed?