Georgia Open Meetings Act Compliance

Question Title

* 1. The Board used the following procedures:

  Practice is Not Evident Practice is Somewhat Evident Practice is Evident but not Developed Practice is Developed Practice is Well-Developed N/A
The agenda was posted for public view at least one week prior to the meeting date.
A physical quorum of the board was notated prior to the start of the meeting. 
A motion, second, and vote was taken to amend the posted agenda.
Approved meeting minutes include members present, members absent, members who arrived late, and/or members who departed prior to adjournment.
Approved meeting minutes include a description of all motions or proposals and a record of all votes.
If a vote was not unanimous, each member’s vote was recorded in the minutes.
A motion, second, and vote was taken prior to executive session.
The purpose of executive session (acquisition or disposal of property, personnel issues, and/or pending litigation) was announced as part of the motion.
The board chairperson executed a sworn affidavit showing the basis for executive session.
If personnel matters were discussed and voted upon in executive session, sufficient detail was provided in the public meeting to clearly allow the public to determine what action was taken.
An opportunity for public comment was provided during the meeting.