Industry Partner Survey

Thank you for participating in our community partner survey.  Villagio Senior Living is working to continually improve the way we serve those that serve our residents, and continual communication on your experiences will help us better serve you!  If you have any additional feedback that this survey does not allow you to share, feel free to contact us at  Thanks again for participating!

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* 1. With what Villagio Senior Living community do you regularly interact (check anythat apply)

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* 2. What type of community partner do you represent?

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* 3. How frequently do you interact with Villagio Senior Living?

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* 4. With whom do you typically interact (select all that apply)

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* 5. How responsive is the Villagio Senior Living team when you have a question or need?

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* 6. Would you consider Villagio Senior Living to be a strong resource in your community for senior living needs?

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* 7. Will you refer families to Villagio Senior Living to help with their senior living needs?

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* 8. What is your general opinion of Villagio Senior Living?

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* 9. What ideas can you share that would help Villagio Senior Living better serve our residents?

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* 10. Is there anything else we should know about?  Do you have any requests on how we can better serve you or our other community partners?  Any further input would be greatly appreciated!

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* 11. Please rate Villagio Senior Living in comparison to other senior living providers with which you interact.

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* 12. OPTIONAL:  Please consider providing your contact information so that we may follow up with any additional questions to help us improve our service to our community partners.