Please help MN-ACP better meet your needs for a virtual Scientific Session in 2020

On Nov. 7, 2020, MN-ACP will host a shortened Saturday scientific session with virtual education presentations, awards ceremony, and a virtual abstract competition. There will be no charge to participate for members and CME/MOC will be offered. Watch for details with registration opening in September. Please tell us your preferred start time for this virtual CME/MOC meeting and if you can be a judge or participant in the abstract competition.

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* 1. Thank you for asking! I'm a ....

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* 2. The meeting will start on a Saturday morning. What is your preferred meeting start time for this Saturday morning meeting? Please check all that apply.

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* 3. Are you interested in being a judge for the virtual abstract competition? The abstract competition is open to all MN-ACP member medical students and residents who will receive information about this opportunity.

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* 4. Please provide your email. Meeting registration information will be sent to you.

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* 5. Do you have any suggestions for future webinars topics?

Thank you for your responses. If you have additional comments, please contact Katherine Cairns at