Exit Salary Survey 2024 Question Title * 1. What is your current title/job function? Corporate/Executive Management (CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, President, GM, etc.) VP, Manufacturing/Production VP, Operations VP, Director, Purchasing/Procurement/Sourcing VP, Supply Chain Director, Manufacturing/Production Manufacturing/Production Management Engineering Management Purchasing/Procurement/Sourcing Management Plant/Facilities Management Supply Chain/Logistics Management Operations Management Sales/Marketing Management Quality Management Human Resources Management R&D/Product Development Management Financial Management/Controller Administration Environmental, Health or Safety Management Consulting/Education Lean/Continuous Improvement Management IT/IS Management Data Scientist Other, please specify Question Title * 2. Which best describes your primary area of responsibility at work? Operations/Plant Operations Engineering/Technology Corporate/Administration Supply Chain/Logistics Sales/Marketing Question Title * 3. Which of the following best describes your company's operations? Additive Manufacturing Aerospace & Defense Apparel/Textiles Automotive/Transportation Vehicles & Equipment Chemicals Computer Equipment & Peripherals Consumer Goods/Durables Construction/Building Equipment Consulting/Education Electronics/High-Tech/Telecom Equipment Food & Beverage Industrial Machinery Medical Devices/Lab Equipment Metals Paper/Printing/Publishing Petroleum & Coal Pharmaceuticals/Healthcare Plastics & Rubber Products Stone, Clay & Glass Wood Products/Furniture Other Manufacturing (please specify below) Other Non-Manufacturing (please specify below) Please specify Question Title * 4. What is your ethnic background? Asian or Pacific Islander Black/African-American Hispanic/Latino Native American or Alaska Native White/Caucasian Prefer not to say Other, please specify Question Title * 5. What is your gender? Male Female Non-Binary Prefer not to say Prefer to self-describe (please specify) Question Title * 6. What is your age? Under 21 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Question Title * 7. What is your highest level of education? High School Some College 2-Year Degree or Trade Certification 4-Year Bachelor's Degree Some Graduate Study Master's Degree Doctorate Question Title * 8. How many years have you worked in manufacturing? 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26+ Question Title * 9. How many years have you worked at your current company? 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26+ Question Title * 10. In which geographic region are you located? New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) Middle Atlantic (NJ, NY, PA) South Atlantic (DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV) North Central (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI) South Central (AL, AR, KY, LA, MS, OK, TN, TX) Mountain (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY) Pacific (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA) Canada Mexico Other, please specify Question Title * 11. What is your base salary? (U.S. whole dollars only) Question Title * 12. How has your base salary changed from one year ago? Increased more than 5% Increased 3-5% Increased 1-3% No Change Decreased 1-3% Decreased 3-5% Decreased more than 5% Question Title * 13. What is your annual bonus? (U.S. whole dollars only. If none, leave blank) Question Title * 14. What is your company's annual corporate revenue? Less than $25 million $25-$50 million $51-$100 million $100-$500 million $500 million-$1 billion $1 billion-$20 billion More than $20 billion Question Title * 15. How many full-time people do you personally manage? 0-10 11-25 26-50 51-100 More than 100 Question Title * 16. How satisfied are you with your current job? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Question Title * 17. How satisfied are you with manufacturing as a career path? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Question Title * 18. What are the biggest challenges facing the manufacturing industry today? Question Title * 19. What matters most to you about your job? Base Salary Benefits Career Advancement Opportunities Challenging Work Company's Recognition of the Importance of Manufacturing Operations Continuing Education/Training Flexible Schedule Job Stability Recognition of Your Importance to Company Relationships with Co-Workers Vacation Time Other, please specify Question Title * 20. Has your company location struggled to fill a position in the past year due to a lack of skilled candidates? Yes No Question Title * 21. What is your company doing to attract and retain the best talent? Question Title * 22. How important is sustainability for your company? Very important Important Slightly Important Not a Concern Question Title * 23. Does your company have an official DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) program? Yes No Question Title * 24. Please share any comments you have regarding your salary, job situation, the state of the manufacturing industry, or professional challenges. All responses will be anonymous. Question Title * 25. If you wish to enter the $50 Amazon card giveaway (Contest rules) or are willing to be contacted by an editor for further follow-up, please enter your name, email address, and phone. Name Title Email Phone Please enter me in the giveaway An editor may contact me for follow-up Submit