IV/CB Workforce Housing Series Survey

Community Input: Topics and Timing

In 2024, the Incline Village Crystal Bay Community & Business Association (IVCBA) and the United for Action interfaith coalition will host a series of meetings to engage our community in shaping local workforce housing solutions. Knowledgeable speakers will present effective approaches taken by similar mountain communities, and local experts will ground us in the housing opportunities and challenges in our region. We hope you’ll join us! Together, we’ll expand our imaginations, share questions and perspectives, and explore feasible workforce housing strategies for Incline Village and Crystal Bay. Please let us know the topics that most interest you and your preferences for participating.
1.1. Please check the topics you’d most like to explore and learn about. (Check ALL that apply. Please add additional topics in the "Other" field.)
2.How long should these meetings be? (Please choose ONLY one)
3.I'd most likely attend these meetings during the following timeslots. (Please check ALL that apply)
4.REQUIRED: Please choose the best answer ONLY. What is your living situation in regards to IV/CB?(Required.)
5.OPTIONAL: If you’d like to receive a reminder and flyer with the details about the IV/CB Workforce Housing Series, please enter your email in this text box. Your email will only be used for this purpose. Thank you!