
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey organized by TechImpact. Your responses will help us create a new information technology workforce development strategy for the Province of New Brunswick.

This survey should only take 25-30 minutes to complete. Your responses will be treated as completely anonymous and confidential. You can only complete the survey once, but you can change your answers until it closes Saturday, July 31st, 2021. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required. You should only use the "previous" or "next" navigation buttons to go to the previous or next page.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at

Thank you very much for your participation! 
Cathy Simpson
CEO TechImpact
506 650 2540 (mobile)

Question Title

* 1. Company Name

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. Company Region

Question Title

* 4. Industry Category

7% of survey complete.