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Pro-Bono ITEP & SRTS Application Support

Every other year the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) and Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant provide millions in state and federal funding for walking, biking, and trail projects around the state.

We are looking to connect municipalities to local engineering firms who are willing to provide pro-bono engineering cost estimates, grant writing support, or other technical assistance to high-need communities as they apply for ITEP and SRTS funding.

Please answer the following questions to letter us know how you can help.

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* 1. Is your firm able to offer any of the follow pro-bono assistance to high-need communities? (select all that apply)

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* 2. Is there anything else you are able to offer communities as they apply for ITEP funding?

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* 3. Please list any specific municipalities, counties, or regions where you are able to provide pro-bono support:

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* 4. We realize there are limits to your resources and staff capacity. If a community reaches out to you for application assistance, will you have a selection process to help you determine who you are able to assist and what type of support you are able to offer them?

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* 5. If you are able to provide support, are you comfortable with us sharing your firm name with interested communities in your service area?

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* 6. Firm Name

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* 7. If you are willing to provide assistance to ITEP applicants, please provide contact information for the person they should reach out to.

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