
How do river flows affect you? Your views count!
Please complete this short survey to help us understand the impacts of reservoir operations and water levels along the Souris River.

Why did the Study Board create this survey?
The International Souris River Study Board will consider various alternative operating plans for the reservoirs in the basin. In order to best model these alternatives, we want to better understand the impacts and benefits to communities in different parts of the basin as flows increase and water levels reach different elevations. This will help us make recommendations that best reflect the needs of basin communities on both sides of the border.

Why should I fill out this survey?
The survey will help us pinpoint key locations of interest in the basin, and give us a geographical perspective of the positive and negative impacts of different water levels and flows in each of these key locations. By providing your views, you can help us ensure that your interests are considered. 

What is the deadline for submitting this survey?
The original deadline for submission of survey responses was November 12, 2018.  However, the Study Board will continue to consider survey submissions to ensure that no important details have been missed. The feedback that was received before the November 12th submission deadline will be used to develop the initial alternatives.

 How long will it take?
The survey takes about 15 minutes to fill out. 

 What is this study about?
 The Souris River study will:
  •  Determine whether the operating rules are clear and understandable and recommend changes to clarify the language of the 1989 Agreement between Canada and the United States for Water Supply and Flood Control in the Souris River Basin
  • Identify and collect information needed to consider various operating scenarios and to better understand flows, rainfall, snow melt, and water evaporation in the basin
  • Set up various modelling platforms to test and evaluate different operating scenarios using established water science and engineering techniques
  • Propose alternative approaches and recommendations on system operations, including dam safety, by bringing together all of the modelling, data, and public input

 Where can I learn more about the study, and stay informed?
  • Visit the study website at www.ijc.org/en_/isrsb and sign up to receive an email notification when new information is added
  • Follow the International Joint Commission on Facebook or Twitter
  • Ask a question or provide a comment by email at sourisriverstudy@ijc.ottawa.org