Thank you for agreeing to participate in the review process of the Inner South Rooming House Network (ISRHN). The network is a group that exists to improve the quality of life for rooming house residents of the Inner South and be a voice for change. The current review process is conducted to help shape the future of the ISRHN, to ensure it is effective and that resources are being well-targeted. The process includes a survey to be sent out in the next 1 to 2 weeks and potential workshop, depending on the findings of the survey.

Filling in this form indicates your interest in being a part of the review process and should take less than 1 minute. The information you provide will be confidential and you will only be contacted in relation to the review process. Please submit your answers by Friday 13 May 2023.

Thank you for taking the time, your feedback is exceedingly valuable for the future direction of the Inner South Rooming House Network!

Question Title

* 1. Your name.

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* 2. The organisation you work at.

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* 3. Your job role.

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* 4. Please provide a direct contact phone number (mobile preferred).

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* 5. Please provide a direct email address.

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* 6. Have you/your organisation previously been involved with the ISRHN?

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* 7. Do you have any comments?