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* 1. Do you plan to attend the 2021 meeting Sydney, Australia, April 21-24?

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* 2. If yes, do you plan to arrive early or stay after for some vacation time?

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* 3. If no, or you're not sure, what are the obstacles you face regarding attending? (check all that apply):

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* 4. What is your Primary Professional Classification (please select one):

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* 5. What is your geographic region? (please select one)

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* 6. What is the length of your professional career to date in heart and lung transplantation/related fields?

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* 7. Are you a member of ISHLT?

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* 8. For Non-Members: We would love to have you join the ISHLT community as a member. Please let us know what obstacles prevent you from becoming a member so that we can try to address them.

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* 9. Compared to other professional society meetings, how would you rate ISHLT2019 from an EDUCATIONAL standpoint?

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* 10. Compared to other professional society meetings, how would you rate ISHLT2019 from a NETWORKING standpoint?

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* 11. The Annual Meeting offered Council Networking Receptions each evening in association with poster sessions related to each Council’s specialty focus. Did you attend any of the Council Networking Receptions?

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* 12. If yes, did you find them useful in facilitating networking with your colleagues?

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* 13. Do you have any suggestions for how we could improve the networking value of this meeting for you?

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* 14. Who paid for your TRAVEL EXPENSES to attend this Annual Meeting?

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* 15. Who paid for your HOTEL EXPENSES to attend this Annual Meeting?

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* 16. Who paid the REGISTRATION FEE for you to attend this Annual Meeting?

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* 17. Do you have any suggestions for improvements to our Mobile App?

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* 18. Do you have any suggestions for improvements to our Online Program Viewer?

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* 19. Do you plan to attend the 2020 meeting April 22-25, 2020 in Montreal, Canada?

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* 20. If you do not plan to attend the 2020 meeting, please tell us why (check all that apply):

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* 21. If you have any other comments or suggestions you would like to share with ISHLT, please provide them here: