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Initial Resuscitation in Shock (IRIS)

Vasoactive drugs are widely used in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. They play a key role in restoring organ blood flow in patients with shock. Several guidelines have been published with the intention of framing the context and justifications for the administration of these drugs. However, the real-life practices remain unclear. Most interventions provided in the ICU remain based on individual decisions. Among these are included the interaction between fluid administration and onset of vasopressor infusion, the definition of refractory shock, the use of vasopressor combinations and the criteria for adding a positive inotrope. Norepinephrine is often used as the first-line vasopressor. The method of prescribing these drugs remains poorly documented.

This survey contains two parts. It can be filled in 10 mins by physicians with activity in intensive care unit. The first part aims to capture how vasopressors and catecholamines are actually managed in your intensive care unit (i.e. timing, choices, method of administration, etc). The second part aims to characterise your profile, your experience and your workplace.

Thank you for your participation,

Prof.  Marc Leone, Hôpital Nord Marseille, France
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