1. Introduction

  • IREP Program application materials for spring and/or summer 2025 placements must be submitted electronically by June 17, 2024. Please note that it will take approximately 45 minutes to complete the application and once you begin the application, you cannot return to it at a later time. You must complete the application in one seating, and does require you to attach a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Transcript/List of Academic Courses (both document must be in English). Visit the CMI Scholars page for more information.

Question Title

* 1. By submitting this application, I am authorizing the Big Ten Academic Alliance to share my personal and educational data that I provide using this online form. My information will be distributed to Big Ten Academic Alliance universities. This consent applies to education data that may otherwise be protected under the federal (US Law) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, also known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment and by the article n°32 of the Law 78-17 (January 6, 1978), as amended by the Law 20161321 (articles 57 and 63) in France . This authorization will remain in effect until I rescind it in writing.

This application process complies with US Law and GDPR requirements, our privacy statement can be viewed here
25% of survey complete.