
  1. Describe the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) landscape regionally and globally
  2. Diagnose the “health” of IQA regarding its efficiency, relevance, and transformative power
    1. Harvey (2004) defines efficiency as the extent to which an activity achieves its goal whilst minimizing resource usage.
    2. OECD (2008) defines relevance as the extent to which the aid activity is suited to the priorities and policies of the target group, recipient and donor.
    3. Transformation involves a ‘qualitative change’ from one state to another (Harvey & Green, Defining Quality , 1993). It entails changes within the External Quality Assurance Provider (EQAP) so that it is better equipped to transform the Tertiary Education (TE) system under its purview causing transformative learning, research, services to society (Harvey & Knight, 1996).
  3. Identify regional and global trends and challenges in IQA.

This survey instrument looks at major aspects of quality assurance in the following areas:
  1. Section 1: Internal quality assurance system of TEIs: the functions, operations, and impact on teaching & learning, research, and service to society.
  2. Section 2: Relevance of IQA measures
  3. Section 3: Resilience and sustainability of the IQA: impact of external factors.
Deadline to submit your reviews: January 30, 2024.
14% of survey complete.