
Welcome to the Annual (2021) IPHSA & IPE Survey. This survey has been prepared by the Interprofessional Healthcare Students' Association (IPHSA). The IPHSA Committee consists of student IPE representatives from the various healthcare professional programs at U of T and two other colleges. Survey results will be used to evaluate and inform advancements to IPHSA and the U of T IPE Curriculum.

Responses are anonymous.
The survey should not take more than 10 minutes.

At the completion of this survey, you can enter a draw to WIN 1 of 20 Starbucks gift cards! The draw is separate from the survey so your response to the survey will be anonymous.

Thank you for filling out this survey.
Sincerely, the IPHSA Executive.

Question Title

* 1. What is your program of study?

Question Title

* 2. Year of Program