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Annually, the Idaho Out-of-School Network (ION) recognizes professionals who support youth 'out-of-school' in our state.  Please use this form to nominate a member of your community who is a champion of youth in out-of-school programs.

Nominations for Champions can be in any of the following categories: 
  • Afterschool Program Staff: These are the heart and soul of our programs, creating engaging, safe, and nurturing spaces for our young learners. Their dedication and creativity truly make afterschool hours a blast! These staff, directors, and program administrators make out-of-school great! 
  • School Day Partners: Collaboration is key, and these champions excel in bridging the gap between the school day and out-of-school. If you know a teacher, principal, or school board member who goes above and beyond to support out-of-school efforts, please nominate them. 
  • Afterschool Advocates: These incredible advocates are the backbone of our movement, tirelessly working to ensure that out-of-school opportunities are accessible and valued by all. They're the voice that amplifies the importance of quality out-of-school experiences. These Champions may include Mayors, Legislators, or City Council Members.
  • Youth Leaders: Our young leaders are the future! They inspire, motivate, and take the lead in shaping out-of-school activities, bringing fresh perspectives and boundless energy to the table. 
  • Other: If you have an individual who is a true Afterschool Champion that may not fit into one of these categories, please let us know what makes them wonderful! 
*Note: This award is intended to honor individuals, not programs or teams. Champions are selected by a committee.

Champions will be announced during Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week in April, 2024. Champions will receive complimentary registration and travel to the 2024 Power Up! Summit to receive their award in person.

The deadline to submit nominations is February 29, 2024!

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* 1. Name of person nominating a Champion:

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* 2. Email of person nominating a Champion:

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* 3. Champion's Name (first and last): 

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* 4. Champion's Role or Title in Organization:

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* 5. Champion's email address: 

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* 6. Name of Champion's Program: 

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* 9. What is a key achievement that the Champion has done to support Out-of-School?

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* 10. Please provide an example of a direct community or youth support the Champion has offered.

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* 11. Please explain how the Champion stands out in the category for which they are nominated.

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* 12. Is there any additional information about the Champion you would like to share? 

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* 13. Please add a photo of your Champion!

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