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Application for IGLYO's Mentoring Project 2022

Please fill in this form using simple language; feel free to use bulleted lists.

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* 1. Name of organization

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* 2. Name of legal representative

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* 3. Name and position of person filling up this survey

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* 4. Contact email address for the next steps

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* 5. Contact phone number for the next steps 

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* 6. The year the organisation was registered

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* 7. Country registered

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* 8. I certify that our organisation’s total income for 2021 did not exceed Euro 200.000

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* 9. What is the concept or idea for your proposal? Please describe the idea for the initiative/project for which you would like to receive assistance from IGLYO. (max 500 words)

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* 10. Please describe how you will implement the initiative, or what are the steps that you will go through until the initiative is completed. Feel free to use numbers where appropriate (approximate dates and timeline, no of participants, no of trainers, no of days, no of sessions, etc) (max 500 words)

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* 11. Please describe the direct impact of your successful initiative, what will change for the better as a result of the initiative? (max 250 words)

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* 12. Please describe the main types of costs and approximate values (for example: participants’ accommodation – Euro X; trainer fee – Euro X, etc)

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* 13. Please describe some of the risks that you foresee in implementing the initiative and the partnership with IGLYO (max 250 words)

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* 14. Please describe in what way your organization will benefit from participating in this project, beside the actual implementation of the initiative; how will you ensure that the organization learns, and not just the Project Coordinator (what learning or experience your organization will gain from participation, etc) (max 500 words)

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* 15. Who will be the Project Coordinator and what is their position? If the Project Coordinator is unknown at this moment, how will you identify them? (max 250 words)

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* 16. Please feel free to make any comments or feedback. This will not be considered in the selection process.

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