The City of Inver Grove Heights is updating its Comprehensive Plan, looking to the future as far out as 2040. The plan will act as a strategic map to help reach Inver Grove Heights' greatest potential, and will guide investments and decision-making as the community continues to evolve.

At this stage in the planning process, we are updating the community's existing vision and guiding principles, which will establish a foundation for the rest of the plan and the planning process. We need your input on the draft vision and guiding principles, so please take a few moments to complete this questionnaire.
Please take a moment to rate how satisfied you are with each statement and principle.
Vision Statement

Question Title

* 1. Inver Grove Heights will be a community that maintains a unique position in the Twin Cities area by providing a development pattern that accommodates both urban and rural lifestyles.

Future growth and development will reflect the heritage of the community.

The city will have a quality built environment that respects and reflects its natural environment of open spaces, rolling meadows, wooded areas, lakes and wetlands.

Inver Grove Heights will accommodate the needs of its diverse population by providing a variety of housing types, employment opportunities and a range of goods and services.

Inver Grove Heights will be an attractive, safe community that evokes a strong expression of community pride and a healthy environment in which to live, work, and recreate.

Guiding Principles

Question Title

* 2. Maintain a Unique Identity
Inver Grove Heights has evolved into a unique community, an element of pride to the City’s residents. Factors that establish Inver Grove Heights as a unique community, including its sense of history, its location along the Mississippi River and its natural features, will be reflected in future growth.

Question Title

* 3. A Well Balanced Tax Base
Inver Grove Heights will preserve its fiscal integrity by maintaining a mix of land uses that result in a balanced tax base. A proper mix of land uses in the community will provide desired employment, goods and services while helping to maintain manageable residential tax rates.

Question Title

* 4. Provide Diverse Services
Inver Grove Heights residents seek a community that can meet all of their social and consumer needs. These needs and interests will be considered in defining a future mix of land uses and public services.Inver Grove Heights will preserve its fiscal integrity by maintaining a mix of land uses that result in a balanced tax base. A proper mix of land uses in the community will provide desired employment, goods and services while helping to maintain manageable residential tax rates.

Question Title

* 5. Residential Variety
Residential developments containing a variety of housing types are encouraged where possible. Neighborhood areas will provide a mix of housing that affords residents the opportunity to move into alternative forms of housing as their needs change over time.

Question Title

* 6. Retain the Rural Character
Inver Grove Heights rural character is evident in the development pattern that exists today. Future development will reflect the community’s rural heritage by providing open spaces and by protecting key natural features.

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* 7. An Attractive and Safe Environment
The community will continue to emphasize an attractive and safe environment that affords residents the opportunity to get to know their neighbors. Public and private gathering spaces located throughout the community will accommodate formal and informal gatherings, which help support a strong sense of community.

Question Title

* 8. A Pedestrian Friendly Commercial Core
Inver Grove Heights will establish a pedestrian friendly commercial core. Pedestrian circulation will be inviting, continuous and barrier-free to provide safe and easy access for non-vehicular circulation.

Question Title

* 9. Planned Office and Industrial Areas
Efforts will be made to provide planned office and industrial areas in Inver Grove Heights. Such uses will be sited carefully to preserve natural features while creating employment opportunities within the City.

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* 10. Quality Infrastructure
Inver Grove Heights will maintain a high quality, efficient infrastructure system. Utility, transportation and services delivery systems will serve both the present and future needs of the community. Infrastructure expenditures will be made on the basis of long-term costs and benefits rather than solely on initial cost.

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* 11. Maintain Educational Excellence
Inver Grove Heights has an excellent educational system for both primary and secondary education. Future planning of public and private facilities will keep pace with the technological advances necessary to support educational institutions.

Question Title

* 12. Connected Parks and Open Space
The environment in and around Inver Grove Heights presents a number of unique recreational opportunities. Inver Grove Heights will provide a balanced park system that is connected within the City as well as being linked to regional points of interest in the area.