
Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the IEWP and PDWP we invite you to participate in this survey. The aim of the questionnaire is to provide a better understanding of HSCT decision-making for hemoglobinopathy patients from the HSCT physician’s perspectives across Europe. This understanding provides new opportunities to improve the shared decision-making process.

The survey will be anonymous and it takes around 15 minutes to complete it. The responses will be analysed and published. By completing the survey, you are providing your consent for your responses to be used in this way. Please note that your CIC will only be used for adminstrative purposes, this information will not be used for the analysis or publication.

This survey is not meant to test your knowledge, but we would like to gain insight in judgement in clinical practice of the group of HSCT physicians across Europe. Therefore, we ask you to stay as closely as possible to your actual clinical behaviour. The survey consists of 3 parts; it starts with some demographic questions, followed by 3 case descriptions, accompanied with questions and it ends with some general questions.

Many thanks!
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12% of survey complete.