Office of Energy EECBG Program Survey Question Title * 1. How did you hear about this funding opportunity provided by the Illinois EPA Office of Energy? search engine social media radio, television newspaper/online newspaper word-of-mouth referral other Question Title * 2. Where is your community located within the State of Illinois? North - outside metro-Chicago Metro-Chicago Central Southern Question Title * 3. Based on closest estimate, please select the population size that best represents your community? rural (population under 2,500) small city/town (population between 2,500-150,000) suburb near large city (population between 150,000-300,000) large city (population over 300,000) Question Title * 4. Is your community located within an area of environmental justice concern? Yes No Question Title * 5. Given the choices, what best reflects your communities largest service requirements/challenges? energy security clean transportation and mobility affordable and equitable housing building code updates and enforcement telecommunication networks Question Title * 6. Does your local unit of government currently have an energy plan or sustainability plan in place? Yes No Question Title * 7. What level best reflects informational services and support provided for this funding opportunity? Extremely useful Very useful Somewhat useful Not so useful Not at all useful Question Title * 8. If "not at all useful" how can we improve informational services and/or support? Question Title * 9. What other funding opportunities is your community in need of? Done