Survey for people with lived experience of disability, their families and carers, and disability service providers.
Your views matter. Share your experiences of living, working, studying or visiting our local area by completing this survey.

All NSW councils must review their previous disability inclusion action plans and develop a new 4-year plan under the NSW Inclusion Act 2014, amended by the Disability Inclusion Amendment Act 2022.

Our current inclusion (disability) action plan is due to finish on 30 June 2025 and we’re now developing our new plan for 2025–2029.

At every stage of the planning process, we’ll collaborate with those with lived experience of disability, and people who care for people with disability to make sure our new plan is aligned with the legislated 4 directions of:

Plans must be aligned with the four directions of:

1. Positive community attitudes and behaviours

2. Liveable communities

3. Meaningful employment

4. Equitable access to mainstream services.

To better understand barriers and challenges, we’re inviting feedback from people with lived experience of disability, family and carers, and disability service providers and disability representative organisations. We want to be able to respond to emerging issues and provide opportunities for co-designing solutions that will enhance access and inclusion for people with disability.
Your answers to these questions will help us understand what we can do to make our city more accessible and inclusive for people with disability and those who care for them.

Please complete this survey by 17 September 2024
What does participation in this survey involve?
  • Answering some questions about yourself so we know who is represented in the survey
  • Questions about topics included in the Inclusion (disability) action plan
  • Questions with an asterisk (*) are mandatory
  • Sixteen questions are mandatory – you don’t have to complete any that are not mandatory, but it is encouraged if you have time
  • Your responses are anonymous and confidential – no personal or identifying information will be used in the plan. Please refer to our privacy management plan.
  • If you complete the survey you are consenting to us using this data for the purpose of developing our new inclusion (disability) action plan