ICA is conducting a survey for the next issue of the ICA Update. This survey will focus on better understanding how IC patients have navigated the changes in their workplace over the past year and a half — and how they have managed their symptoms while working. All responses will be used anonymously, although you may indicate if you are willing to be contacted by ICA for more information. Thank you for taking a moment to provide your feedback.

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* 1. What is your current profession?

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* 2. Describe your work environment (office, home, store, etc.)?

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* 3. How did your work setting change (if at all) during COVID-19?  (For example, shift to working at home, mask/health requirements in the workplace, etc.)

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* 4. How did these changes to your work setting impact your IC symptoms? How did you adjust to them?

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* 5. Has (or will) your work environment change after the pandemic? (For example, returning to offices, permanent hybrid work environments, etc.) How are you planning to adjust to these changes?

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* 6. Have you sought special accommodations from your employer in the past, or do you plan to as a result of new workplace changes?