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If you are interested in being part of the ICVA Speakers Bureau please complete this form. The ICVA Speakers Bureau will be a network of national and local NGO speakers from crises affected countries. To be part of this network you need to be affiliated to an ICVA member organization or an NGO Fora.  
Contact and logistics information

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

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* 2. Indicate your gender

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* 3. Are you an ICVA member?

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* 4. Do you have access to a good wifi connection

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* 5. What languages are you comfortable speaking in?

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* 6. Please upload a photograph (jpg or png)

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File
Speaker Experience

Question Title

* 7. Please provide a brief bio of yourself. (no more than 150 words)

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* 8. What experience do you have of public speaking at national or global events at the political level?  Please provide details and links if published on the internet. (no more than 150 words)

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* 9. Would you be interested in speaking at briefings on the humanitarian context you are operating in?

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* 10. What thematic areas would you have the experience to speak about with confidence?  Tick all that apply

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* 11. The selected speakers role is to represent the views of the broader NGO community and crisis affected populations and not just the views of the individual organsiation.  How will you prepare your intervention to ensure that these views are captured?

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* 12. Would you be interested in participating in a 1.5 hour online session on effective public speaking?

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* 13. What other training needs related to advocacy do you have?

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* 14. Do you have any other questions or comments?

Use of information provided

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* 15. I agree that ICVA can share my bio, photograph and speaker experience and contact information details with UN agencies, donors and ICVA members on request?