This web portal is exclusively to apply for currently open opportunities to join an ICRP Task Group as a regular member and currently open opportunities to join an ICRP Task Group as part of the ICRP mentorship programme. Applications will only be accepted through this portal.

You will be asked upload your short CV using this template. The file must be in pdf format, in English, and not more than three pages.  The file name should be "[your family name].pdf". (Current members of ICRP Committees 1, 2, 3, or 4 will not be asked to submit a CV.)

If you are applying for a currently open opportunity to join an ICRP Task Group as part of the ICRP mentorship programme, you must also upload a letter of support from your organisation identifying the Task Group number, indicating that your organisation supports your application, and, optionally, whether they would financially support travel related to your mentee placement (e.g., participation in a Task Group meeting or working with your mentor at their institute for a short period). Travel is not a requirement, but would enhance your mentorship experience. The file must be in pdf format, in English, and not more than two pages. The file name should be "[your family name] letter of support.pdf". Applications that do not include a letter of support from your organisation will not be considered. Your organisation is typically your employer, but it might be, for example, an organisation to which you belong, or a university at which you are studying.

Selection of Task Group members is based on these criteria.