
Welcome to the registration page of the new Jisc Change Agents' Network award for staff and students working in partnership on curriculum innovation projects involving technology. This award, entitled, 'Institutional Change Leader' is accredited by SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association) and has been designed to support those about to undertake change agency work as well as those who have already started. It can also be used to provide a route for those to gain recognition for their prior work. Specificity:

Staff and student working together in partnership on a change agent project funded by an institution or sector organisation;
Staff and student working together in partnership on a university (HE) or college (FE) institutional change agent project;
Member of staff supporting a student change agent project;
Student undertaking a change agent project within their institution.

NB: ‘Staff’ is defined as a person working at an institution or professional body including consultants, hourly-paid and voluntary members.
NB: ‘Student’ may also include the Students’ Union

The course comprises of two online modules, the first of which (ICL01) is formative and provides information and knowledge around effective partnership work and change leadership and the role technology plays in support this. It will require 18 hours of student activity. The second module (ICL02), assessed by an online portfolio, should be taken whilst completing a change project (unless being completed to gain recognition for prior work) and is linked to project planning, evaluation and professional development. The module will require 30 hours of activity.

We recognise that in some circumstances projects may not directly involve students at this stage. In this case, when applying for the course can you please provide information on how this will lead into staff and students working in partnership in the future. To support this, as we value your participation in this pilot course, we have created an additional option for staff working on change agent projects that do not currently involve students. This option, certified by Jisc, involves undertaking module one (ICL01) only of the course and results, upon successful completion, a certificate from Jisc.

If you would like to talk to someone about the course before you register, please email: Dr Mark J.P. Kerrigan (

This registration should take around 10 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all information you give will be held in confidence and used only for the purposes of the Change Agents' Network Award and by submitting an application you are agreeing to your data being stored electronically for purpose of registration and course management.

The course will next start on the 19th October 2015. There will be an online induction at 11:00.