We are conducting a survey of people associated with interstitial cystitis (IC) and could use your help answering the questions below to determine how to help educate any potential missed audiences on the condition. We appreciate your assistance!

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* Please provide your contact information:

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* What is your connection with the ICA? (Check all that apply.)

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* Is the ICA your “go to” source for information on IC?

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* How often do you visit the ICA website?

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* If you're looking for information on IC, how often will you go to the ICA website first?

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* If you have IC, what were the top publications you used when researching symptoms?

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* Please rank in order of significance.

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* Which ICA social media profiles have you visited? (Check all that apply.)

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* How often do you access any of the above ICA social media sites?

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* After taking a look at the ICA website, what areas do you feel are the most important to you and others looking to learn more about IC? (Check all that apply.)

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* What kind of resources have you used to research IC symptoms?

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* Are you an active member of any online IC communities? If so, please list them:

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* If you have IC, do you go out of your way to purchase certain items to assist with your symptoms? For example: bottled water, IC-friendly foods, pain medicine, Cottonelle® toilet paper, etc.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please click the "Done" button below to submit your response.