General Information

Thank you in advance for participating in the 2022/23 NT Hospitality Industry Census. 
This Census will specifically help determine:
  • size of and trends in the hospitality workforce and employment
  • the priority needs for the hospitality industry staff training and skills development
  • current and trending staff shortages
  • involvement of hospitality businesses in apprenticeships, traineeships and work experience programs
  • key hospitality workforce issues and needs to inform Government, i.e. NT Skilled Occupation Shortage List and 'High Priority' occupations. 

The information collected in this Census will be compiled and aggregated and used to support the development of policy positions of Hospitality NT, including by sharing aggregate data and providing advice on industry needs to NT and Federal Governments and other relevant organisations and agencies such as Industry Skills Advisory Council (ISAC), and RTOs.
Please note your individual identifying data will be kept strictly confidential.
Hospitality NT will not share your individual identifying data. All data will be de-identified and represented at a regional, industry or aggregate level. 
If you have any questions please contact the Hospitality NT Office on 8981 3650. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact details for Hospitality NT to follow up...

(please note this may be required in order for Hospitality NT staff to follow up on some aspects of your responses).

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate where your business is located

Question Title

* 3. What would you classify your business as (choose most relevant)