Information and Consent

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this research project which aims to understand your experience of being engaged as a consumer in the planning, design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of a Hospital and Health Service.

For the purpose of this survey, “consumers” are defined as people who use, or are potential users of health organisations including their family and carers. “Consumer engagement” is the process through which consumers and carers actively partner with health organisations in health policy planning, service delivery, and evaluation at all levels of the health system.

It is anticipated that the survey will take you approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and we will be asking you to complete this survey twice over the next six to twelve months. Completing and submitting this survey will be taken as your informed consent to participate.

To ensure your confidentiality and to help us see if there is any change in your views over time, we will need you to provide us with a unique identification code.

Question Title

Your unique code will consist of the first 3 letters of your mother’s maiden name and your year of birth. 

For example, if your mother’s maiden names was “Jones” and you were born in 1963 then your code number would be:

         J O N 1 9 6 3

Please enter your unique identification code below in the box.