Has your license, ordination, registration or certification to practice in your profession ever been voluntarily or involuntarily relinquished, denied, suspended, revoked, restricted, or have you ever been subject to a fine, reprimand, consent order, probation or any conditions or limitations by any state or professional licensing, registration or ordination or certification board?
Has there been any challenge to your licensure, ordination, registration or certification?
Have you voluntarily or involuntarily surrendered your license or ordination, limited your privileges or not reapplied for privileges while under investigation?
Have any of your board certifications, ordination or eligibility ever been revoked?
Are you currently the subject of an investigation by any church officials (if minister), hospital, licensing authority, DEA or CDS authorizing entities, education or training program, Medicare or Medicaid program, or any other private, federal or state health program or a defendant in any civil action that is reasonably related to your qualifications, competence, functions, or duties as a medical professional for alleged fraud, an act of violence, child abuse or a sexual offense or sexual misconduct?
Has your professional liability coverage ever been cancelled, restricted, declined or not renewed by the carrier based on your individual liability history?
Have you ever been court-martialed for actions related to your duties as a medical professional or clergy member?