As many of you may be aware, most of the trees in the Waterford Place community are more than thirty (30) years old, and some of the trees located in the Common Area and on homeowners' lots may be nearing the end of their useful life.
During the past few weeks, the Waterford Place HOA has removed several Common Area trees identified by licensed tree experts/certified arborists (in the recent ArborNote Tree Inventory report) as being "dead, dying, or decaying." Additionally, two (2) Common Area trees that were deemed 80% healthy by the arborists were wind damaged and fell during the recent (>50 mph) high-wind storms and had to be removed from the community.
Please be advised that the Waterford Place HOA is not responsible for the cost of caring for trees located on Waterford Place homeowners' lots... the responsibility lies with the homeowners.
The Board of Directors created this survey to obtain feedback on the Waterford Place homeowners' interest and participation level in an outdoor community-wide home tree care class/workshop organized and conducted by certified arborists. There would be a minimal fee ( approx. $20-$25 per person) charged for the class/workshop. (Arborists are typically paid more than $100 an hour for their services. Therefore, a home tree care class/workshop could be cost-effective for homeowners to receive professional tree care advice.)

If there is substantial (15 or more homeowners/individuals) interest and commitment from Waterford Place homeowners to participate in a home tree care class/workshop, the Board of Directors and our property manager will follow up with  Conservation Montgomery and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection about conducting a "Home Tree Care 101" class/workshop offering outdoor, hands-on demonstrations of tree trimming, mulching, pruning, and other tree care tips for Waterford Place homeowners with mature trees on their lots.
If you are interested in participating in a home tree care class/workshop, please respond to this survey by Friday, May 6, 2022.

Question Title

* 1. Would you be interested in participating in a Waterford Place Community-wide Home Tree Care Class/Workshop?

25% of survey complete.