Welcome to the 2022-23 Hedke Award submission form.

Awards will be given for each of the major areas: Club Administration, Membership, Public Image, Club Projects, and The Rotary Foundation.  An overall Hedke winner will be selected and six (6) clubs will be recognized.  The winners will be announced at the Imagine the Impact District Conference 2023.  



·        There are several questions at the end of the survey to which your club can submit a "free form" response.  Please make sure you read those questions carefully and prepare your answers as   directed. Failure to upload that document could result in a significant loss of points and penalize your club's score.

·        When completing the online Survey Monkey, you can leave your work and return to the survey as long as you do so from the same computer which you initially used to access the submission form.

(If you first prepare your response using this document you should be able to complete the application in one session.)