Join The Arc of Texas on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2024, for our annual statewide advocacy event. Chapters of The Arc of Texas, people with IDD, and their families are encouraged to join the fun by delivering valentines to their Texas House and Senate representatives (and candidates) to remind them to “Have a Heart for The Arc” and protect the human rights of Texans with IDD! Learn more about the event.

If you have questions or need assistance, please email or call 512-454-6694.

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* First and Last Name

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* Chapter Affiliation (if applicable)

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* Address

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* Phone Number

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* Email Address

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* OPTIONAL: Why are you participating in this event? Why is it important to you to spread the word about disability rights?

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* OPTIONAL: Does The Arc of Texas have permission to quote your words above in official communications?

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* OPTIONAL: If you have a photo of the person/people who plan to particpate in this event, or of a friend or family member with intellectual and developmental disabilities, feel free to upload it for our use in official communications. If not, skip this question and submit the form. Thank you!

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* OPTIONAL: If you uploaded a photo, please tell us about it and who is in it. Thanks!