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* 1. Have you visited the existing Elizabeth Street Garden?

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* 2. When you visit the garden, where are you usually traveling from?

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* 3. How do you typically travel to the garden?

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* 4. What time of day would you typically want to visit this garden?

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* 5. What part of the week would you typically want to visit the garden?

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* 6. What season(s) do you typically want to use this garden?

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* 7. What kinds of activities could you imagine taking place in the garden in the Fall and Winter seasons?

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* 8. What garden activities/elements matter most to you?

  Most Interested   Least Interested
Space for community garden plots
Space for community groups to gather
Space for arts display and community arts activities
Space for recreation uses (I.E. Yoga, outdoor movies)
Space for passive uses (I.E. reading under a shade tree)
Space for Food Justice /Community Cooking Classes
Space for kids to run
Extending garden hours

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* 9. In addition the activities listed above, are there other garden activities/elements that are important to you?

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* 10. What garden/outdoor space design elements interest you the most?

  Most Interested   Least Interested
Lush/verdant garden space
Large lawn space for gathering
Use of native and drought resistant plants
Attracting native wildlife
Playful topography/hills
Sense of openness to the street
Sense of sanctuary from the street

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* 11. In addition the design elements listed above, are there other garden design elements that are important to you?

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* 12. Do you have a personal memory or story about the garden that talks about what the space means to you?  If you haven't used this garden, do you have a memory about another open space that you can share?

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* 13. Are you a member of a community based non-profit in the surrounding community?

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* 14. If 'YES', which group?

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* 15. What is the best way to reach you to keep you informed about upcoming public design meetings for the garden?