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The Harrogate Memorial Hall is community owned and operated, supported by an enthusiastic team of volunteers. The Hall is often used for community BBQs and gatherings. It has been identified that having an improved outdoor space for BBQs and some landscaping will improve the amenity of the site and make it a more pleasurable place to gather and build community pride.

Mount Barker Community Centre with support from Mount Barker District Council and the Harrogate Hall Committee has been funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Wellbeing SA to deliver the following project outcomes in Harrogate:

-          Create a concept design for Harrogate Memorial Hall that captures community needs and wishes for the site and provides a plan for the ongoing development of the facility as a community hub.

-          Provide a range of community connection activities to facilitate community connection practical projects and activities that are linked with gardening and nature.

We would be grateful if you took some time to review the draft concept design for Harrogate Soldiers Memorial Hall and complete this survey!


A copy of the draft concept design can be viewed at (copy and paste link):


Mount Barker Community Centre and the Harrogate Hall Committee is now seeking broader community feedback/input into the further development of the concept design.

Question Title

* 1. What is your age category

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* 2. How would you most likely travel to the Harrogate Memorial Hall?

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* 3. Please rate the following elements of the draft concept plan

  Excellent Good Neutral Not supported
In ground metal fire pits
Arbour shade structure 8m x 3m with picnic tables
Festoon lighting
Cubby house addition to informal play area at rear
Addition of pathway to picnic shelter
Informal garden bed along frontage
Retain concreted posts and replace chain wire infill with post and rail
Trees and small shrubs planted along frontage
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