5 Simple Questions

Thank you for visiting Harmony Central! We want to keep you coming back by creating a site with compelling content and stimulating discussion. So, we’d appreciate it if you’d answer a short survey so we can learn a little bit more about you.

Apart from the survey, we’re also considering creating a panel for future research projects. This will give you the opportunity to provide manufacturers with feedback on new ideas and/or new products created for music and entertainment. If you think you might want to participate (there’s no obligation), please give us your name, country of residence and email at the end of the survey so we can contact you with further details. (Your information is only for internal use and will not be shared or sold.)

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* 1: Which of the following products do you currently own? (check all that apply):

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* 2: How would you describe the way you typically use your equipment (for each category checked in question #1)? For example, if you own a guitar and are paid to use it professionally, you would be a professional. If you own a guitar, but you have yet to use it at all, you would be a non-user. Everyone else would fall somewhere between beginner and an advanced user. We just want to better understand how familiar you are with the different product categories, so give us your best estimate.

  Non-Player/User Beginner/Novice Intermediate Advanced Professional
Electric Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Bass Guitar
Audio/Pro Audio Equipment
Home Theatre Equipment

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* 3: Gender

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* 4: Age

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* 5: If you think you might be interested in participating in our research panel, please give us your name, country of residence and email so we can contact you with further details.

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* BONUS QUESTION: Feel free to let us know how we can make Harmony Central better.