Survey for Harrisville Residents: Changes on Hancock Road, Summer 2024

During the summer of 2023, residents living on Hancock Road along Lake Skatutakee expressed concern for the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists because of the volume and speed of motorized traffic during the summer. After conducting extensive research, Harrisville’s Transportation Committee designed a plan for changes on the road, which were approved by the Select Board. These changes were implemented during the summer of 2024.

The Transportation Committee is now soliciting input from residents on their perceptions of the effectiveness of the changes.
1.Are you a resident of Harrisville?
2.Yellow lines were painted in the center of Hancock Road on the five sharpest curves in order to ensure that vehicles slow down and stay in their lane, preventing the possibility of head-on collisions.

Yellow Line

How effective do you think this change has been?
3.In order to alert drivers entering the Lake Skatutakee area to the fact that many pedestrians and bicyclists use Hancock Road, a “Share the Road” sign was placed at either end of the lake.

Share the Road

How effective do you think this change has been?
4.Two speed limit signs were added so that there would be adequate reminders that the speed limit along this section of Hancock Road is 25 mph rather than the usual town speed limit of 35 mph.

How effective do you think this change has been?
5.The boat ramp on Lake Skatutakee was previously unmarked. Signs were added to indicate the location of the boat ramp coming from each direction. “No Parking” signs were also added in the area of the boat ramp to allow for safe unloading and re-loading of boats.

How effective do you think this change has been?
6.Brush was cleared along the road in order to create better sight lines for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists.

How effective do you think the brush clearing has been?
7.Articles were published in the Skatutakee Lake Association newsletter and Common Threads, encouraging drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists to follow standard safety rules.

How effective do you think these articles were?
8.The Harrisville Police Department periodically stations an officer on the road to enforce the speed limit.

How effective do you think the patrols have been?
9.The Harrisville Police Department also routinely enforces the town’s ordinance forbidding parking on the paved road surface. This is designed to ensure that there is adequate paved space for both lanes of traffic.

How effective do you think enforcement has been?
10.Do you observe that drivers are slowing down and being more attentive to pedestrians and bicyclists?
11.Do you observe that pedestrians are behaving responsibly: walking facing traffic whenever possible; stepping off the road and walking single-file when vehicles or bicycles are approaching?
12.In general, do you feel that the changes described above have improved safety on Hancock Road around Lake Skatutakee?
13.If you have additional comments, please write them here.